Our firm launched its firstESG(environmental, social, and governance) portfolio over 30 years ago, and many of our investment portfolios today incorporate ESG principles. With the goal of income growth and sustainable, long-term returns, we use an integrated approach that combines robust financial analysis with research into a company's ESG policies and practices. Depending on the product, our shareholder advocacy efforts may include screening, direct engagement with companies, filing shareholder resolutions, proxy voting, coalition building, and public policy involvement.
ESG-integrated investments:
Protect shareholder value.ESG mitigates risk and encourages companies to adopt best practices and be accountable to investors.
Identify risks and opportunities.Looking through an ESG lens helps us assess material issues that may not start on the balance sheet, but could ultimately end up there.
Invite active ownership.Our shareholder advocacy and engagement efforts often influence company policies and make management aware of what matters to investors.
Luan Jenifer Chief Executive Officer and President
“What are our goals when we engage a company? Risk mitigation and promotion of shareholder value. Each engagement represents an issue we've identified as material to the company, and a sign of either opportunity or risk—and sometimes both. We want to see the company takes actions to adequately address—or begin to address—these concerns.”
Nicole Lee Director of ESG Research
“A company’s management of human, financial, and natural resources will always contain the seeds of possible success or failure. As such, it will always be relevant to an investor’s best interests...Miller/Howard has been a longtime ESG manager, and our experience has given us the benefit of seeing many of these shifts—and nimbly responding to them on behalf of our clients.”
Gregory Powell, PhD Chief Investment Officer
“Today's ESG managers employ an integrated approach that combines rigorous financial analysis with research into a company's ESG policies and practices...We believe that ESG is no longer a niche consideration. Advisors would be well served by understanding and providing the new generation ESG solutions.”